He was defenseless on the cross, my little maso slave worm and he absolutely needed an extreme session with a lot of CBT. I know that he likes it hard and he is not a wimp, so there was I passed him a loving treatment a la Mistress Coco. I started a hard ballkicking with boots, later with heels and also by hand, the useless balls were fucked hahaIn the end, the slave balls glowed in the truest sense of the word and he left in anticipation of the next session. He assured me that it was the finest ballbusting he ever received!
Punk Rock Latina Wworn-out Chucks Dirty Socks HD WMV VersionJessy is a snobby Latina we met who agreed to model Her super old, ...
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Fiona’s Feet After Gym – Extended... Fiona is the type of girl who really enjoys annoying this loser slave for ...
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Pin Up Party 44 The highlight of the Pin Up Party in the Femdom Empire Lady Vampira used their ...
Blackmail Rckfall Hirnfick Willst du erleben wie krass manche Loser von ihrer Sucht nach mir von ihrem ...