Cassandra knows how easy it is to make this loser do whatever she wants after all those years! He is like her personal puppet! That was a long day with her shoes on and her feet hurts really bad so she makes him bow down at her feet to give them some attention! She makes him take her shoes off then begins to rub her smelly feet all over his face! She knows hell take care of them that way! So easy! Cassandra asks for a foot massage while relaxing and listening to some music on her iPod! Thanx God! Theres nothing like a good foot massage after a full day with those shoes! They hurt me so bad! She also uses his mouth as a bath to rest her toes and his tongue to refresh the bottom of her sweaty soles! She also likes to put her foot really deep into his mouth just to see how far he can take it! There is only one like you! We love you Cassandra!