Sado Girls December 8, 2020 The sadogirls Jane and Layla make their slave their human pony. The degraded horse gets slapped with the whip and both ladies want to sit on him!
Torture Your Manhood December 8, 2020 Are you willing to suffer for my pleasure slave? I am going to push your limits, order you to slap, punch, bend, stomp and whatever else my devious…
Dogplay Dreckskter Demtigung December 8, 2020 Ist der dmliche Dreckskter durstig? Tja, vor mir steht eine Schssel Wasser aus der du schlabbern knntest, aber was macht die Herrin? Sie hat dich…
Slave Cattle Has To Walk December 8, 2020 The sole meaning of this slaves existence to serve his mistress and to obey. Today I want to ride him like a pony and sit down on his back. I direct…
Erste Reitstunde Des Wallaches December 8, 2020 Lady Johanna Syrkay und ich haben einen strischen alten Gaul erhalten um ihn einzureiten. Ganz schn eingerostet, bekommt der frisch kastrierte Gaul…
Learn To Make Yourself Useful Slave Dog October 12, 2020 Are tired of straying, stray dog? Do you finally want to find a home? You can earn your collar with me but it wonnt easy. I dont want any ill-bred…
Kitty Slave Pp Tasks September 12, 2020 Ill eat you for breakfast and since Im not into cheap food, Ill throw you up right away! Well, if I am the big cat too and you are my easy prey, which…
Epische Ekelanweisung Part 1ftterung Der Raubkatze Du Frisst Ihre Scheie September 6, 2020 Dich fresse ich zum Frhstck und da ich nicht aus Billig Nahrung stehe, kotze ich Dich direkt wieder aus! Nun wenn ich also die Raubkatze bin und Du…
My 5 Dollar Pig August 13, 2020 Today I bought this little pig from my friend and er Kristin. Appropriate in jeans and rubber boots, just as it should be for real girls. This is a…
Fm Session 9 Pet Play May 23, 2020 Maria implements her new practices and fantasies toward the slave. At first she leads him with a rope tied to his dick, then ponyrides him while…
Lady Zora – Strict Pony Training November 20, 2019 If the slave is still bored in the corner at the beginning, he will di quickly. Lady Zora drives him with her whip, he first gets some hard knocks,…
My Piggy Hasan Part 2 October 9, 2019 Hasan was once again allowed to spend the night with his alpha couple, while he again told his family that he was on a business trip. The first time…
Kfighaltung Loser Gehren Eingesperrt June 21, 2019 Ich habe den perfekten Platz fr dich gefunden mein Loser. Dieser Kfig wird dein neues Zuhause sein und du wirst als Kter abgerichtet. Ab und an lasse…
Real Session Chastity For My Stupid Dog March 6, 2019 Today I let the dog out of its kennel. Because of bad behavior my stupid dog is currently living in chastity. Hes just a weak and submissive pussy.…
Princess And Her Foot Slave For Fun October 16, 2018 Princess Megan is a very mean girl. She loves to choke and strangle, to humiliate and dominate and to make her slave clean her high heels with his…