What is that damn idiot thinking?! Danielas boyfriend has broke up with her and shes really mad and furious now! How could he do it! Hes an idiot anyway. A moron, bitch a loser! She is really raging and she needs to take the anger on someone else. But there is no one for the stupid, ugly, little teddy bear her ex gave her. Daniela grabs the teddy bear throws it on the floor and stomps on it really hard. And it feels good! She talks to it, stomps it, kicks it around and tramples its face until its completely flat. And than again and again and she swears and humiliates the poor thing, shows her middle finger to the teddy bear and calls him a bitch and a loser and idiot. But stomping is not enough. She takes off her gym sneakers and put the bears head into her shoe. It fits there and the bear has to smell Danielas foot sweat after she returned from gym, the teddy has to smell her socks too and she also grabs him between her legs and punches him in the head and in the face. Shes humiliating him however she wants and the teddy bear has to take it all. No, you dont want to make Daniela mad!
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