My slave will suffer extreme humiliation today! I like it when it becomes disgusting for him. I can laugh at the loser, which makes me very happy. First of all my slave will take care of my dirty boots. I want them clean and the slave will make that happen by licking them. Then I spit in his face and mouth. But I dont just spit some saliva, today I also spit chewed banana into his mouth and face!
Destroying His Toy Cars Under High Heels This guy sent me a bunch of his beloved toy cars and Im going to take care of ...
Versagerclip Fe Hier du Fulutschversager! Ein kleines Anbetungsvideo fr dich Wurm! Ich habe mir ...
Lick My Dirty High Heels Slave Look at my brand new car! Hot Ride, dont you think? I dont want it to be messy ...
Trampling 61 Richie is the living ground below the feet of his two mistresses! Melady and ...
Humiliation By The Leather Mistress Kiss my feet, slave! You are nothing, I am everything. You are sub, I am top. I ...
Mastersperma Fr Kondomlutscher Siehst du was die Herrin da in ihrer Hand hlt? Eine aufgezogene Spritze mit dem ...
Taste My Warm Feet – Part 1 Before letting him taste her divine sweaty feet, Goddess Monica makes the slave ...
Friday The 13th What could be better than to suffer for his mistress on Friday the 13th ?! ...
Alexis Vol 5 Lovely legs, thin .
Adidas Sneakers Socks And Barefoot This is my foremost clip for you. There you can see how is my footslave ...