A user send Lady B and Christin two Guitars and a Amp. Both Girls have fun to destroy the Stuff. First victim is the small Ukulele. Lady B and Chrsitin walking simply over thes, her steps goes harder and harder. She crushes the poor small Guitar under Sneakers and Flats. Next victim is the vintage electrical Guitar. The same game with Snakers and Flat. But the Guitar is stabel. Both Girls exchange the Shoes. High Heels with metal Heels. This is the end for the Guitar. Hard steps makes deep holes in the wooden body and the weight of both Girls break the Guitar in pieces. At the end she crushes and stomp the small Amp. This User plays never again in a Band.
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Schluck Wenn Du Frei Sein Willst Die Sklavin sitzt da und denkt das sie endlich die Fesseln abbekommt. Doch ich ...
Lana – 19yo Girl – First Day Of... This is the first day that Lanas feet were worshiped. She came in from the ...
College Girls Humiliatrix you know we are the most popular girls on campus. And we get an A every day from ...
French Chloe Plays After Party Chloe has had a few drinks and admits that shes feeling a little bit tipsy and ...
Strangled By Vanessa Sweet redhead Vanessa smothered this poor guy with her hand, strgled him with a ...
Faceslapping And Spitting Die blde Sklavenfresse hat es nicht anders verdient als so richtig was von uns ...
Cosmetic Trades 03 Hair cutting demonstration. The girls were standing on the stage, having their ...