This new seat struggled big time with full weight facesitting under Queen Noras massive, 600 lb ass. He was only 130 so hes brave to even give it a try. But he could never have guessed just how hard it is to handle. Its not like all of Noras weight is on your face when she sits on you. Shes so large that shes also smashing your throat and chest. Itd be nearly impossibly to breathe even if her monster cheeks werent enveloping your face. The combo makes for a terrifying experience. Which is why this guy barely made it 5 seconds per try without panicking. Nora found it amusing. For most of the video she just sat there, hanging out, him to shift her meaty cheeks in order to find an air pocket. Its a precarious position to find oneself in. Shes not moving. The muscles in your arms and shoulders are burning from shifting her body around to get air. And your mind starts racing about whether or not youre going to be okay. Does she really know when to get up?All of this combined for a terrifying experience for this little guy.