Houseslave 17

Bizarre Lady Jessica harasses her finery pageboy bobby. With a wet shred it must mop the floor up on all fours. It mops the permanent orders and Anfeuerungen of the fair-haired mistress up goodly in the ear with the cloth everywhere. She gives it an order also between her legs but it sore if cloth touches her noble majestic feet and shoes dirty with dme. Touch a wet shred with dme once only briefly, already pulls a punishment of the strict ruler after itself. And watch it amusing bizarre Lady Jessica while clean up slave bobby is polishing the floor beautifully. It likes this, it makes the kindest to watch others like it the dirt wegputzen which it has made had to, because it would not get its divine hands dirty with such menial work anyway. It watches it and it enjoys much prefer if slaves must slave away ailingly under its shoes. And still she can thank you for it with insults, insults, humiliations and viciousnesses. This provides the big fair-haired super sadist with the best satisfaction. Als Bobby sie dann doch versehentlich mit dem schmutzigen Lappen am Schuh berhrt, bekommt er sogleich einen Tritt und wird einige male heftig von ihr angespuckt. When bobby then touches her inadvertently with the dirty rag at the shoe anyway, he immediately gets a kick and becomes some angespuckt paints intensely of it.