Includes - giantess - femdom pov - smoking - big tits - huge tits - titties - crushed between tits - shrinking - shrinking fetish - rolled up as a cigarette - smoked alive - crushed He really shouldnt have told her not to smoke. She had seemed upset at the time, but he couldnt possibly have imagined just how lethal she could be when she was upset! Now he was shrunk down and nestled between her massive tits. There was no way out! And as she had bounced back home she had almost crushed him between those massive jugs of hers. He could hardly breathe! But she had other plans in store for him! You see, when she decided she was going to smoke no one was going to tell her otherwise. And now that she had him in her realm she was going to light up! But with a difference! He was going to be rolled up in the cigarette and smoked like a human cigarette! She let the tobacco fall deliberately on his body as he lay helpless pinned to the table. Each flake felt like a heavy boulder being dropped onto him but his discomfort only made her laugh cruelly. When he was completely immobilised she wrapped the paper tightly around him, licking the edges to seal him in. Now she licked his head for good measure, savouring the taste of the addictive tobacco on the tip of her tongue. Then it was time to light up! Sucking on him as she pulled the smoke in. He could feel the hot smoke engulf him each and every Torturous! Unbelievably hot and overwhelming. And just as he thought he couldnt hold on any longer she inhaled. And exhaled again deeply, covering him in acrid smoke! Would he survive this smoking ordeal? Find out .
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