My slave just cant keep his mouth shut; he always has to say something and always wants to have the last word on everything. Even with my friend Mistress he maintained this unacceptable attitude, so we decided to punish him. And what better punishment, for one who talks too much, than to shut his mouth with our dirty feet, after hours of walking barefoot in my dungeon?? I begin to break his throat without mercy, then my friend follows and, having a smaller foot, manages to push it even deeper inside, down to the tonsils!!. The slave cannot breathe and squirms and wiggles uncontrollably, trying to escape his supplice, but in vain. At one point I push my heel into his mouth: now, finally, his mouth is completely plugged!!! But thats not all, this slave is a filthy worm that just deserves to be crushed under our feet. Therefore, while my friend resumes breaking through his throat, I step on him and start crushing his chest, making breathing even more difficult; when my turn to footgagging comes, it is the friend who crushes him under his feet, insisting above all on his nipples, that he has very sensitive. We exchange roles several times, until we are sure that, for quite some time, this slave would no longer dare to open his .
Smother – Debby Here is more from one of our favorite facesitters: Debby from Brasil. She really ...
Dein Job Als Cucki Was dich als Cucki bei mir erwartet? Du wirst erfahren wie es ist ein richtiger ...
Foot Play 95 Look at my feet, as I put some cream and massage. How do I play with them. Want ...
Claire Worships Fanny’s Feet For both of them, this is a first experience. Claire is very shy and doesnt want ...
Long Worn Jeans On His Face Dominique wore these jeans for a long time and theyre soaked with her body odor ...
Facesitting With Full Weight What does this loser think he is? Ill show him how little he means to me and ...
Go – Kiss Shoes Mistress Mercedes wants the total shoe worship from her slave. He must kiss her ...
My Birthday Hi LOSER, here you are, were you spying on me while I put on my pink shoes? or ...
Clean My Ballerina Shoes I often wear these ballerina shoes when im out for shopping, or in university ...