My slave knows that I always have a clean ashtray on my table. Its his job to make sure that its there. I decide to relax and have a cigarette before I go out. However, theres no ashtray on the table and I cant find my cigarettes. I asked my slave and he said he doesnt know where they are. What a stupid answer, I gave him a slap and reminded him of his job to make sure everything is in its place. After finding my cigarettes myself, I tell him hes going to be my human ashtray. To punish him, I get some rope and tightly bind him to the table. Then I put a O ring gag in his mouth to keep it open. What a novel idea, as he gargles and truggles to breathe as I pull his gag nice and tight. I get him to make use of his tongue by licking my shoes. Then its time for my long awaited cigarette. As I light up and begin blowing my smoke into his face and mouth. My bitch will enjoy his punishement as he swallows all of my ash. When Im finished my cigarette, I stub it out in his throat and leave him to choke. Its more fun having a human slut for a ashtray. Ill keep him there for the rest of the day, or perhaps until I have no more .
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