CUSTOM REQUEST - A phone call is made between you and you friend. During the phone call you explain to your friend that for some years you have been using as a stool a slave with whom he had once had a brief relationship. However, it was obvious from the start that he was not at your level. You start exploiting him with Antonio, your new and current partner. He accepted any humiliation and exploitation in order not to be abandoned in the relationship. Knowing this, you take full advantage of him to the point that he now no longer possesses anything economically. Also, due to the extreme situation he probably had symptoms of a stroke: He does not speak much, and only complains and seems devoid of will. To the point that Antonio often likes to put it in his mouth, and see how he sucks it on command without putting up any real resistance. Her friend asks her if she has thought of having him visited by a specialist, and you reply no. You spoke with Antonio, and together you have decided that it was not worth it. You will continue to take advantage of the slave until he will be completely .
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