Nemesis – Corset And Nylonstvmov

Nemesis – Corset And Nylonstvmov
we are very glad to present 2nd clip of new superbeautiful mistress nemesis. this one is a very aesthetic clip! she looks absolutely stunning in that dress: a superbeautiful corset, handmade of a german corset how perfect it fits to her, making her waist small and her hips wider. also she wears real nylons and modern peeptoe pumps. this clip is no bamm bamm bamm action clip. dont expect that here. this clip is about a pure beauty dreaming, teasing and showing how wonderful she looks. its erotic stuff for sure and its wonderful erotic its also a cool one for shoefoot-fans, when nemesis sits down on a chair, taking her shoes off, playing a lil bit with them, looking at top erotic quality! clip duration: 06. 32 mins.