I Teach You Discipline February 6, 2019 You want to jerk off all the time! You are a loser! Now I tell you that this time is over! You are not save anywhere anymore! We will find you.
Call Your Wifes Friend January 28, 2019 Haha this time I have a mean task for you. I am your godess so you will do it! You will call one friend of your wife. I tell you what you will tell…
In Control Of Your Key January 26, 2019 I am in control of your key. I have the full power to decide how long you will stay in chastity. You think you can get out of your small prison of…
Task In The Changing Room January 21, 2019 I have a very special task for you. So listen carefully to what I tell you to do. This time you go shopping. In this Video I tell you what you do…