She’s Got L’eggs To Die For

She’s Got L’eggs To Die For
Penelope, the female assassin with a smile, returns in our homage to the LEggs pantyhose commercials of Shes brought all the tools of her trade for a network shoot of her new stocking ad, including her fave vial of poison in a vial of Britney Spears perfume and her musk-scented hosiery, quite lethal in its own right. As the director calls cut, she walks over to share her stockings with some of the crew, well, yes, that special scented pair she always carries with her. Can you guess how the commercial ends? Well, you know what they say: Our legs fit your they hug you they hold they never let you go.Produced in super hi-def so you can enjoy the legs, feet, and heels of Amazon fetish supermodel assassin Penelope Longstocking!.