You thought normal trampling with hiking boots was insanely hard? Let me use my new hiking boots to show you what really hurts! Theyre brand new and the deep hard tread is still sharp edged. I push the slaves hands to the ground and then lift one foot over his hands slowly only to stomp down HARD on them right away. Mercilessly I stomp down on his hands again and again - and each time hes screaming in pain and nearly jumping from the ground in pain! Hes clearly afraid I might break his fragile fingers, his hands are shaking and hes almost in tears - but I continue to stomp his hands relentlessly. In the end I even make him kiss each boot to humiliate him even more - making him kiss the boots that just hurt him so badly! This clip contains nothing, but hard merciless stomping throughout the entire clip! This is a non-exclusive custom clip for a fan. If you want me to do a custom clip for you contact me at com!
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