Its that day again - the day of your annual cock-measuring. Mistress Zora has brought the smallest ruler she could find for this. A larger one is obviously unnecessary. So pants down and show your puny piece! Dont be cowardly - dare yourself! Mistress Zora measures your ridiculous little cock and finds out that you have the smallest slave cock she ever seen! But thats not all. She humiliates you and exposes you to her friends! She takes a picture of your loser cock and uploads the picture to her friends chat group for their amusement. Could it get any worse for Sure! Mistress Zora would like to show you .
Fr Meine Latexliebhaber Das neue Jahr soll fr euch schlielich auch schon perfekt anfangen ;.
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Very Sexy Ignore Foot Spend your time with my sexy ignore foot!
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