Katelyn is the leader of an underground female power group whose mission is to shrink and get rid of men who degrade women. The group hands over the shrunken captives to Katelyn, who then rids them how she sees fit. She has a new shrunken man to get rid of today and has him in her top. She pulls her top open, exposing her big puffy nipple while freeing him, and out comes the shrunken man into her palm. Her captives offense was he beat and completely degraded his girlfriend for having the Giantess fetish, which is why his girlfriend decided he needed to be gone for good. She informs him about her group and his girlfriends decision to have Katelyn get rid of him. She also confronts him about how badly he treated his girlfriend in reaction to finding out she likes the giantess fetish. With the shrunken man in her palm, Katelyn demonstrates what will happen to him on a gummy bear, but his fate will be much worse than getting chomped between her big sharp teeth as she intends to let him suffer within her. After completely chewing the gummy bear and swallowing all of its remains she then places him on her tongue and gulps him down. With a satisfied look on her face, she can now call his girlfriend to let her know hes been taken care of for good.