Now Sissy you know for sure why I called you to me. No?! Is not clear to you ?! Maybe you can imagine how much disappointed I am from you. Did I take you into my Sissy slave stable, Ive clothed you and have brought you as you fucking properly in the ass, as you beautifully blows. I spent so much time in your education - and you? You are too stupid! An absolute Sissy Loser Bitch can not even hold your ass, costs you too much overcoming... so, so. I have no choice I punish you today! Today you will jerk your little useless Sissy Klit for me. Yes, yes I know you are happy, jerking is great. No punishment, you think. Do not be too confident. Put a Plug in your ass and turn on the video. This will be a jerk adjustment and your little eggs will suffer!